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Thursday, 12 July 2007

First Gynae Appointment

We have shortlisted a number of gynaecologists and hospitals in the Klang Valley which we shall be evaluating over the next few months before we choose one we are most comfortable with.

Our first visit was to Pantai Medical Centre near Bangsar on Monday 9 July 2007. The appointment time was 11am, but we only managed to see the gynae at 2pm. The facilities look old, the food so-so, but the gynae was polite and informative.

Drive from home to PMC takes about 35 minutes, and the hospital has valet service (free?). I heard that its gynae services are the most expensive in the region, possibly because they are very pro-baby. We will have to see if their facilities are good enough and all staff are capable and easy to deal with.

The first ultrasound scan showed the foetus sac but no prominent foetal features such as the heart. The estimated diameter was 2.5cm.

Our next hospitals are Subang Jaya Medical Centre and Sunway Medical Centre. My preference is Sunway, which was where Gabriel was born, but not the same doc again!

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